2016- Present:
Currently I am serving as Dean of the Department of Educational Foundations, College of Education and External Studies of the University of Nairobi. As Dean of department, my responsibilities include the management of School of Education activities and chairing School of Education meetings. In addition I am a member of the College Management Board, which is the highest decision making organ of the college. As a Dean, I am a member of the University of Nairobi Senate, the highest decision making body of the university.
2017 – Present:
Currently serves as Dean of KATUWA self- help welfare group. This is locally incorporated group whose membership is drawn from the Location of Wanzauni, in Tulimani Ward of Mbooni West Sub County in Makueni County. Among the activities for this is the manngement of community water project whose source of water is a borehole. This project was funded by European Union. The water project serves more than 500 households. We have managed this project successfully for more than ten years. This being a dry area, the borehole serves as major source of domestic water during the dry season.
2006 – 2009: Dean, Athi Water Services Board
Served as the second Dean of Athi Water Services Board whose mandate was to oversee the development of water infrastructure in the then Districts of Kajiado, Machakos, Makueni, Kiambu and Nairobi Province. Part of our mandate was to assist in the formation of local water companies in our area of jurisdiction. During my tenure we facilitated the establishment of water companies in these areas which still exist to date. As a board we came with a programme of providing water for harvesting rain water in schools. this prograamme saw many primary and secondary schools receive water tanks which are still in use up now. As a board, we initiated many water and sewerage infrastructure in these areas including City of Nairobi. We revived many of the old water projects that had stalled for many years. Among the notable development was a World Bank funded project which we negated for sewerage construction for Nairobi among others.
As Dean of Athi Water Services Board, I also served as a member of the Athi Catchment Basin committee whose mandate was to regulate and protect the use water resources in the Area cover by River Athi.